$20 will purchase 1 filled backpack for a needy child.
$40 will provide stamps and birthday cards for kids in shelters.
$50 will provide supplies to make Valentine bags for abused kids.
$100 will provide gift cards for Thanksgiving for needy families.
$150 will provide gift cards for teen foster kids for holiday shopping.
$200 will purchase 10 backpacks with school supplies for needy children.
Design your own level of support. Let us know how you wish for your contribution to be used.
Visit our Contact Page and ask us about our Corporate and individual levels of sponsorship.
The first day of school can be a day filled with promise for a child. The anticipation of a new year. New crayons, new clothing, new friends. For a homeless child the first day of school, can be filled with heartache. It is then that they are labeled by their peers as having nothing. This affects childrens self-esteem and their ability to experience learning at the same level as other children. We need to level the playing field and give these children the oportunity to succeed.
You can help us make a diffrence! With your contribution you will help us provide a child with a backpack and supplies for the school year. Any amount will help. Your amount plus the amount of other will add up and will allow us to continue with our mission to help as many children as possbile have a fair chance to experience education to its fullest. We thank your for your contribution!
Your Contribution of
All fundraising efforts at this time are in support of
Noya-Quintana Corona Virus Relief effort
Please let us know if you wish however to have your donation earmarked for our annual
Fill A Backpack Program or for the purchase of Gift Cards for Thanksgiving baskets or Holiday gifts for foster kids.